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Infrared Thermography Inspection Miami Electrical Thermal Imaging Services Cost / Thermographers /40 Year Recertification.

All Home Meters - Licensed Professional Engineers providing Infrared Inspection Testing Services.

We are Electrical Engineers Level II Thermographers, ready to answer all your questions, concerns and doubts about your Thermography Inspection needs.

Need a rushed Infrared Thermal Imaging Inspection?

Call (786) 318-7203 to request a free estimate and schedule your Infrared Thermography Inspection from our Licensed Electrical Engineers.


You deserve the best, Please do not settle for less.

786-318-7203 /

How much does a Miami Dade Electrical Infrared Thermography Inspection for 40 Year Recertification Cost / Thermographer Safety Thermal Imaging Camera Scan Testing Services, Boca Raton, Boynton Beach

From $800. Miami Inspection Price depends on the area of the building (square feet), number of pieces of equipment, configuration and complexity.

Removal and reinstallation of covers is out of the scope of our Infrared Electrical Inspection and the cost usually starts at $250.

Equipment Survey might be required to identify and locate the devices for Thermal Electrical Inspection and to provide a firm proposal.

The only way that this Thermal Inspection Report for a 40 Year Building Recertification can be accepted by ALL CITIES is confirming that the Level II Thermographer holds an electrical license as a Professional Engineer, Electrical Contractor of Electrical Building Inspector, and ensuring that the report is, at the end, signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer.

Our Infrared Electrical Inspection Report for 40 Year Building Recertification done and SIGNED & SEALED by a Professional ELECTRICAL Engineer.

New 2022 Guidelines - Infrared Thermography / New requirement for Recertification.

This Thermal Imaging Inspection is a requirement, as part of the Recertification, for buildings that have been in existence for the years specified in the Code.

For a system operating at 400 amperes or greater, a thermal inspection with a written report of the following pieces of equipment must be provided as applicable or as otherwise indicated below:

  • Busways.

  • Switchgear.

  • Panelboards (except in dwelling unit load centers).

  • Disconnects.

  • Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs).

  • Starters.

  • Control Panels.

  • Timers.

  • Meter Centers.

  • Gutters.

  • Junction Boxes.

  • Automatic/Manual Transfer Switches.

  • Exhaust Fans.

  • Transformers.

This is the minimum data required in an Thermal Imaging Inspection Report.

  • Certifification Level II ensures industry expertise is met.

  • Thermography experience as per BORA rules. (holding an electrical license).

  • List of the Equipment inspected and not inspected and why: e.g. cover cannot be opened, safety issue, needing approval from utility company, etc.).

  • Summary List of all equipment inspected properly identified: labels, nameplate data, location, measurement date and local time, issues, etc.

  • Camera information (e.g. manufacturer, specifications: resolution, accuracy, calibration, etc.).

  • Environmental information affecting Thermographic Inspection (e.g. ambient temperature, wind speed, background, etc.).

  • Vision test.

  • Performance or operating information (e.g. loads, phases, voltage, type of service: one phase, three phases, delta, wye, etc.).

  • Thermal scale in each thermal photo to read temperature.

  • Use of the same palette in the entire report unless a different one should be used to identify an issue.

  • Infrared photos should be accompanied by visual photos of equipment with and without covers.

  • Thermography measurement determinations.

  • Possible cause, level of the issue and prioritization (e.g. overload, contact, unbalance, open circuit, repair immediately, next programmed maintenance, etc.).

  • Any Code violation observed (e.g. improper color for cables, double tap, improper fuse, improper breaker, improper wiring, etc.).

  • Any anomaly observed (e.g. change of color, visible damage, corrosion, etc.).

  • Scan of the grounding or bonding conductors in the building main loads/meters center.

  • Any other information required to meet the standards of Thermographic inspections.

Miami Electrical Thermographic Inspection Scan measures surface temperatures by using still camera and video.

These Thermography tools see light that is in the heat spectrum.

Thermal Inspection Testing Survey.

It is supposed that nearly 25 percent of all electrical failures attributed to faulty electrical connections.

Infrared technology is one of the most effective technologies for preventing failures.

Thermal Imaging Electrical Inspection Services / Benefits.

Hot spots due to lose connections and bad contacts.

  • Under-rated cables overheating under existing demand.

  • Unbalanced loads.

  • Stressed earth leakage units, circuit breakers, conductors and other electrical elements.

This Electrical Inspection can result in significant financial savings for the client by.

  • Reducing the risk of an electrical fire.

  • Reducing the risk of an unplanned electrical outage.

  • Identifying priorities for planned maintenance, resulting in your spend going where it needed most.

  • Infrared Technology determines if the elements and system have been properly installed and are not damaged.

  • Infrared Technology reduces downtime.

  • Reduces risk of equipment failure.

  • Increases safety.

  • Improves insurability.

  • Reduces liability exposure of the designers and installers.

  • Miami Thermography improves system performance.

  • Determines elements and systems carry out properly and meet the design intent.

  • Determines if elements and systems compliance with the project specifications and design.

  • Reduces construction schedule delays.

  • Saves money.

Use of Home Scan / Testing / Electrical Thermal Inspection.

  • Detecting loose or corroded electrical connections.

  • Detecting electrical unbalance and overloads.

  • Inspecting bearings and Electrical motors.

  • Inspecting steam systems, Electrical Thermal Imaging helps better to recognize and report suspect elements.

  • Enable the repair to done right the first time.

  • High resistance connections.

  • Hot spots.

  • Over loaded cables.

  • Over loaded fuses or breakers.

  • Imminent motor or conveyor bearing failure.

  • Motor windings over heating.

  • Overheating in distribution equipment.

  • Phase load imbalance.

  • Hot spots in high level lighting.

  • Heat build-up in overcrowded trunking.

  • Thermal insulation breakdown (hot or cold).

  • Thermal loss.

  • Damp ingress.

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